

does your pet suffer from seasonal allergies

Does Your Pet Suffer from Seasonal Allergies?

It’s that time of year, when beautiful flowers are blossoming, grass is turning green—and a thick layer of yellow powder coats every surface. The springtime pollen that is wreaking havoc with your sinuses can affect your pet, as well. Seasonal allergies often flare in spring and fall as the weather patterns change to rising summer […]

getting a new puppy what to do

A Year in the Life: The Puppy and Kitten Edition

You’re in for a giggle-filled year, but it won’t go without frustrations, mishaps, and lost sleep. Your puppy or kitten’s first year is one of her most important, so ensure you’re on your A game when it comes to rearing her right.

pets weight

Is My Pet’s Weight Okay?

How do I know if I am feeding the right food? How do I know if I am feeding the right amount? How do I know if my dog or cat is the right weight? How do I know what treats to feed?

local vet golden

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